It’s been a little while since I’ve written a post. I’ve been sifting through some things on my journey and the last thing I could do was share some thoughts on a blog. I was searching and searching for solutions and yet, I’ve been brought back to the same answers I always receive—the answer is within.

Even to this day I struggle with remembering this. I have realized I do not trust myself and have faith in myself to figure out the solution. Now that’s a tough one to swallow…not trusting myself even though I’ve always figured it out. So then comes the paralization. If you don’t trust yourself, how can you arrive at a solution? You do so after you’ve put it off for so long and have no choice but to come up with one. You’re backed up against the wall and you have to trust yourself to figure it out. Talk about a lot of stress when you let it get to that point. It would be so much easier to trust yourself to find a solution when the “problem” first arises.

And then lack of trust and faith in self means no power. Not trusting in own power and ability. You have to look to someone else to come up with a solution and tell you what to do because you can’t do it on your own. But then the lesson is: the answer is within. You don’t need to look to anyone else. You need to go within. You need to trust in your power to come up with the solution. A woman recently used the word resourcefulness with me and I realize its great power for me at this time. According to Merriam-Webster resourceful means “able to deal well with new or difficult situations and to find solutions to problems.” In order to be resourceful, you must trust yourself that you can do it.

I’m learning my indicators my Soul uses to let me know what’s right for me. There’s a certain feeling I get and an unspeakable understanding that lets me know which direction to go. I also know that I can choose to go another way at any point and create new paths. Right now I’m headed in a direction I have no idea where I’m headed. It wasn’t where I thought I’d be headed. I’m trusting it’s getting me there. I can see the building blocks. And I know for me there is such flow and synchronicity involved that it must be right. For now.

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