Warmer weather (for the northern hemisphere) and plenty of sunshine. And, of course, the first sunburn of the season. It’s so easy to peel off the skin…when it is ready. Peel it too soon and the skin is tender for a bit. As I watched the skin peel, I thought of peeling the layers of our Being and whether it was just as easy as peeling skin. How easy is it to peel back the layers and change?

It’s always been my experience that we have all that we need as long as we are open to it. So if we are wanting to change, the sources that we need to change will appear. This may come in the form of a Facebook post, a book, a word from a trusted friend or stranger, or some random sign seen while out and about.

Ask me 10 years ago and I would say change would take time. Now, I say change can happen relatively quickly. Sometimes we get to the point where we are so unhappy with where we are that we readily and easily drop the thing that was holding us down. We may have habits and thoughts that may still point us in an unhealthy direction, but we are so focused on our new direction that we are able to keep moving forward. Other times, when we are not quite ready to change, it may be easier for us to slip back into old ways. But each time we slip back, it may be closer to where we want to be than before. So we still make progress.

As we make change and move forward, we put ourselves in environments that help support our change. Now that is one of the most beneficial ways to solidify change. Peeling sunburned skin is very easy and sometimes there is pain when it is not ready to be peeled. That is the case with change and peeling the layers of our being. Sometimes we are just not quite ready for the change that we desire. But that does not mean we can’t take a step forward

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