Let’s face it. We all don’t like pain. We would love to avoid it, but pain has its way of finding us one way or another.

Our society has become one where we want what we want when we want it. That means, if we have pain, get rid of it now no matter what. We spend all our time, money and resources getting rid of pain and discomfort only to avoid the real cause.

Imagine that pain is sending a text to try to get your attention. Somehow you don’t see the text or aren’t able to respond at the time and forget about it. You don’t hear from pain again. Until the next time. Pain sends another text. This time its more insistent. Unsure of how to respond you seek advice from others. After responding pain seems appeased for the time being. But then pain sends you an urgent message…in a panic. You aren’t able to check in with any of your confidants. All other distractions are not available and cannot do anything to help. It’s just you and pain and there’s no avoiding it. Now what? What do you do? And what is the purpose of pain?


Pain is a sign that something is wrong and the signals have been going unnoticed. It’s time to listen to what pain has been trying to say. Part of you wants to ignore pain’s message. Often that is because pain calls us out on areas of Self that we need to heal. The site of pain is some energetic incongruency, as we are beings of energy and vibration. I often find that these sites are wounds and traumas from the past, emotions letting us know we need to let go. At one time we needed the emotions as a means to cope and protect ourselves, but there comes a point when those emotions start to hinder us and no longer serve us–they start to harm us.

A few years ago I was receiving massages every week following an injury. At the end of one visit, I felt that I needed to massage my therapist, who had then become a close friend. I wasn’t trained, but I knew she needed an energetic massage, which I could do. She agreed and we changed places on the table. I began feeling a variety of emotions as I got to each tense muscle. I started verbalizing what I was feeling. She gasped at first and said she hadn’t realized she was feeling that way. We started exploring further, recognizing each emotion and then releasing it along with the tense muscle.

Our Inner Self lets us know we have lost connection and alignment by using the pain signal. Each time we ignore the texts, we are ignoring those parts of us needing our attention. The more we ignore it, the stronger and more persistent it will get until we are forced to pay attention. Take some time each day to check in. Identify areas of the body you may be experiencing pain, no matter how subtle. Connect with it. Find out what is going on. Release. The type of emotion and how long it has been present in your energetic field will play a role in the ease of release. Newer ones will be easier, while stubborn ones will require more work and you may require assistance in the process. One of the most important things to do is acknowledge and recognize the sites of pain and the emotion trapped, if you can. This will start the process of healing by directing the positive energy of awareness to those sites.

Avoiding pain does not make pain go away, it only makes it more “full” as it tries to get our attention. Pay attention, hear the message and  heal the wound.

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