A few years ago I looked back at my life and realized I was in the same place I was a few years before. I was nowhere closer to my dream of having my own business, traveling around the world, speaking and healing. The only thing that had changed was the name and description of what I did. I knew that had to change. I didn’t want to be doing the same thing in 5 years and still seeing I was no more closer to my dreams. It was time to take action.

I led a meetup session helping members connect with their Inner Self, spoke on a radio show on 2 different occasions, created a new web site, developed a 4-week program, arranged a speaking engagement, set up a booth of my work at a trunk show, held another class. And then I got discouraged. I wasn’t getting any new clients and therefore no money to make a living off of doing my work and therefore needing to get a job to support myself. A head injury made it difficult for me to multitask and do a lot of cognitive work so my dream got pushed further back on the shelf.

“And then I realized I was dying inside.”

And then I realized I was dying inside. I had lost my joy by not doing what I love. I had to find a way to get it back. But how could it be different this time? I tried multiple times before. So this time I asked for help. I hired a coach who was living what I desired. She helped me gain clarity, focus and direction. She cleared limiting beliefs. She encouraged me, gave me new ideas and told me I had something of great value. I still got discouraged, but she helped me hang in there.

Discovering my HeARTwork did not lead to automatic success. Clients didn’t show up readily and in droves at my door. But this time was different. This time I got subtle reminders from the Universe to hang in there. I saw messages in my news feeds and interviews, articles, etc. about the challenges we face right before success. I doubted and continued to receive these messages. This time I could not give up. This was me creating my new life. Turning away would only delay my dreams becoming reality yet again. I had to see this through.

And I still am.

I look forward to sharing it with you. This is only the beginning of something greater. And now I know it and believe it

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