PictureI have to admit my Self love has sucked for awhile now. I’ve unconsciously denied myself of so many simplicities and pleasures. While eating out at a restaurant, I caught myself wanting unsweet tea but my next thought was, “No, it’s too expensive. Who wants to pay 2 bucks for a tea? It’s so overpriced.” Yes, I considered that a wake up call!

I cannot believe I told myself “No” over something that cost just $2. What else have I been denying? I actually must grieve the fact that I’ve been denying myself a lot. The list is really long. Even allowing myself to have fun has been denied so often. There have been many times I was “supposed” to have fun, but I didn’t fully allow it because I was “supposed” to be focused on my business or working on my alignment or mindset.

Recently, I woke up feeling like I have value. What? I’ve known I had value. I’ve known I was valuable. But did I really? I must not have because this time I really felt it deep within. And I realized how long I had gone not valuing myself. I started recounting all the things I had been doing that showed how little I thought of myself. Wow, have I really needed some Self love!

There are multiple reasons why we stop having Self love. We do not need to be concerned with when it happened or why it happened. We don’t need to travel back in time except to know that our Self love has been slim. It is true we can heal the wounds that led to the separation, but we do not have to heal before we start loving Self. We need to start practicing Self love and the healing will occur.

Start with something simple. Put on that eyeshadow that makes your eyes pop (even if you’ve reserved it for special occasions). Take a walk (30 minutes of fresh air will not destroy your business). Loosen your belt a little (you can have fun). Dance freely (it’s OK to express yourself). Talk to yourself in the mirror (you will start believing it). Whatever you do, just get started!

Tell me…how’s your Self love? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

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