Our journey inward is often like peeling away the layers of an onion. We peel one layer and arrive at the next, and we continue peeling until we arrive at the heart. We discover more and more about ourselves as we go deeper into who we really are.

There’s a cycle and pattern we experience during this process. It often starts with feeling uncomfortable, stressed or looking for a change in life. We begin peeling the present layer and realize there is something within that needs to be surrendered, transformed or healed. It’s not always pleasant. We may experience resistance as we struggle to let go of the patterns we’ve been carrying. We may not “know” the next step and are stuck. There’s a period of upheaval and unrest.

As we continue peeling this layer, a shift starts to occur. We start to achieve an understanding. We see hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. We start to navigate our way and make changes. The weight is lifting and we feel our steps getting lighter. We feel more grounded. And then we get it! We’re at a place of knowing and understanding.

The peace arises and we find ourselves in a place of inner power. We’re sure of ourselves and confident in the wisdom of our lesson. We finally get a good night’s sleep.

After some time passes (may be soon after or much later), the uncomfortable feelings start to arise again. Before long, we’re off on another journey and begin to repeat this cycle.

My process is shifting from the onion to a flower. 


Recently the onion seemed to no longer fit for describing this process. The onion metaphor felt muddy and dirty, leaving me with a heavy, depressed feeling. My focus immediately shifted to a flower. This resonates so much better!

A flower is beautiful at all stages. The bud begins to open, revealing its inner beauty a little bit at a time. It becomes more and more beautiful as it opens even further and we get excited and anticipate the reveal in full bloom. We’re not looking for layers to shed. We see beauty in each one and see each contributing to the whole. A petal may drop here and there as it has done its part and it is time for it to go.

Now this is a journey I want to have!

The flower doesn’t examine discomfort. A flower has stages or experiences, each with its own beauty which then transforms into an even greater beauty. The flower opens on its own doing and in its own time. On the other hand, an onion must be peeled. It cannot do it on its own. If the layers are not removed, they start rotting and eventually affect the core. The bud of a flower finds it difficult to remain closed and, therefore, rarely rots within.

The layers of the onion may not remove easily. We may find ourselves picking off small pieces as each breaks off from the rest. With the flower it flows and reveals with greater ease.

I’m curious, is your journey the onion or the flower?

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