Today I went out and put my hands in a mound of soil. I wasn’t planting or doing anything in particular. It felt important to do.

I allowed the soil to sift through my fingers. As I did I felt this incredible energy of ancient wisdom, nourishment and support.

I thought of the rocks that had been around for years that slowly weathered over time to become part of the soil. The rocks who had seen and witnessed earthly events and carry ancient wisdom. The organic matter that once contained life force, containing various rich nutrients and experience. The clay often formed over long periods of time by chemical weathering and decomposition.

Then, I thought of the contribution the soil provides. The nutrients and a place to anchor roots for plants. The storage and absorption of water and moisture. The decomposing of organic materials and organisms, storing large amounts of carbon and plant nutrients. The habitat for a variety of organisms. The building material and foundational support for man-made structures.

This seemingly insignificant substance, or at least one that is often overlooked unless you’re a gardener, yet so critical to our cycle of life. And being on the grid of earth, it feels every vibration and movement, climatical change, destruction and rebuilding. It is a witness for all of life.

And for soil I must take pause and breathe deeply as I experience its soul.

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