Are you caught in the vicious cycle? Are you bouncing around coach to coach, book to book, practitioner to practitioner looking for something? Are you searching and not even aware of it?

There’s an interesting phenomenon going on right now and it’s been disturbing me on deep levels. Coaches are promoting message after message and they all say essentially the same thing. Sign up for X to receive Y steps to achieve Z. And most of us sign up, eager for Z. Maybe we achieve Z, but most of the time we don’t. So then we’re off to the next one. All the while we keep searching for external solutions and ignoring the actual solution—the one that comes from within.

I actually took a self-help hiatus for a bit because I got in a cycle that sent me spiraling downward and left me feeling horrible about myself. I kept thinking I was doing something wrong and would try to absorb the knowledge before me and make it a part of me because what they said was Truth. Only it wasn’t, for ME.

By connecting with ME, I’ve now started taking information and weighing it against my Inner Compass. Is this in alignment with who I AM and who I desire to BE? If it really doesn’t resonate, I let it go AND I don’t feel bad about it. There are multiple paths that can lead to the same destination. We don’t have to follow the most traveled one. There may be a path a little more hidden that is even better. It’s knowing the right one for US.

And when you know YOU and your Voice, there is no more searching. Maybe you seek training or education to increase your knowledge or skill, but now, you’re not searching to solve something that is originating from deep within. Now you can objectively sort through what is being presented to you by assessing it from your Inner Compass.

But then again, maybe those cycles of bouncing around work for you. For those that it’s not working, let’s chat and get started connecting with your Inner Voice. Stop searching and start connecting. FREE Introductory Session. Schedule your appointment here:

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